Wednesday, 3 September 2008

My Official Homework list

Credits...Sheryl teo
1. 2 eng compre
2. 1 chinise compo(Yikes...)
3. 1 Science Paper..
4. 1 Eng mock paper (I think)
5. Study Phrasal Verbs...
6. 1 Eng Compo...(Yikes But For the sake of my future)
7. ...

Dunno should i go KL leh

My dad and my sis went to take neoprints hahaha so funny
my sis had a lot of fun but my dad did not
he did not even smile for the camera(except for 2 pictures)
he oso did not pose lor just sit there...

studying w/ a smile...
zhu chin
smiles from me!

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