Sunday, 9 January 2011


this deserves a blog post.
dedicated to my beloved 1E, Fam B.
My dearest year ones, i guess i didn't have all the time in the world to say everything i wanted to say to you guys, hence. My heartfelt words continue here. My dearest 1E, i remembered the first day you guys came in, i was very scared, very worried. Am i doing my job well? what would happen to them? i remembered i had a lot of missing sheeps, school song, would you guys sing? mass dance, would you guys actually dance? Most importantly, would you guys even try, to take the very first step, to get to know one another, as a class. I am glad you all did. you guys spoke, you guys tried to know each other. Slowly, i saw people opening up, you were not alone, still scattered, you were in twos or threes, taking small steps to know each other. I remembered i was trying to remember all your names, and i have no idea how many times i actually asked for your names, but you guys were understanding, were forgiving, you guys still patiently told me your names. You guys were soft, but i knew you wanted me to know you, you were lost. you needed help. The next day, CCA trials. The sun was hot, you guys helped each other to fill water bottles, you guys did your best for everything. I am really proud of you. The third day, you guys painted your flag, 34 names on 1 1E flag the flag was simple, maybe not the prettiest one in the world, but the most special one, the one you guys are most proud of. slowly and steadily, you guys came in groups, and slowly, you guys started to talk to more people and bond as a class. When the flag was completed. I know, you guys are proud, to be in 1E.
Day one of the camp, we started with the water game, facils couldnt help you a lot, we were supposed to pour water on you guys, but we didnt. Instead, we shouted at you all to guard the bucket. We wanted you guys to work as a class, slowly... you guys bonded even more. As the rest of the camp passed slowly, you guys started smiling more, speaking up more, cheering up, taking initiative. you guys became one class, and shouted invincible zai cheers. I am sincerely proud of you guys, you guys really made a breakthrough and really made my efforts and my tears and joy and laughter and voice and sleep all worthwhile.I know we were fierce, we were harch on you guys, but thank all of you for always being there, and for giving us this opportunity and chance to learn with you all, learn about you all and to be able to have fun and feel with you all. seeing you all help one another, appreciate each other, i sincerely think its really heartwarming, seeing all your thanks and seeing all of you hug each other, its really heartwarming. 1E, i hope you guys remember all the times you have shared, the tears, laughter, joy, sweat, games, cheers, songs, dance, hugs, jumps, meals, sleep. I hope you guys can write beautiful RV stories for ourself and share it, share this spirit with the world, speak up, support one another, have more confidence in yourselves, Enjoy each other's company and treasure and appreciate what is given to you. Appreciated what people have done for you, big or small, a small thank you really goes a long way. Thank you 1E, for gearing me up to be able to face the challenges to come, i will be strong and for all of you, i will do my best and not give up. Please do so too, smile more and laugh more! i love you always. 1e, The most excellent, enthusiastic, entertaining, emotional, enduring class with an everlasting bond that will never break.

Fam B!
I remembered when the list was out, people were like, Krysen and yongrui! sure fail one lah! but in the end,we were the zai est fam, we had most problems, but least facils. Thats the Fam b spirit, we were really one family. We have a frog, a tofu, hot and cold fam heads, a kangaroo, a ever so serious mengyu, a crazy mavis, a funny peilynn, a pretty gwendolyn, a quite serious jiamin, a chio Xu Ke. we shared unlimited laughter and sang cheers and did stuff that we will never forget. I really thank you all for supporting me when i needed help, when my grp had not enough facils. You guys were really welcoming and didnt treat me like a stranger at all. from the bottom of my heart, thank you Fam b, you're the best fam i can have, i would never trade it another.

signing off, with loadsalove and smiles and warmth in my heart, memories i will never forget,